Remberg since 2018Co-Founder & CTO
The Product-Relationship-Management System.
XCoLab Spring 2018Open Source contributor for a MIT collective intelligence platform. Used by the Climate CoLab.
JK 17 Fall 2017Event application for a student consultancy conference in Munich.
25 years of BDSU.
Avocado Fall 2017An application improve your diet. Smart & easy to use. Georgia Tech Convergence Innovation Competition: 2nd place winner Fall 2016For the CDTM Center Venture 2016 we created an innovative roomate matching portal to simplify the apartment hunting experience.
Quadcopter Autopilot Spring 2016We developed a framework for automatic drone control as part of the 2016 Joint Advanced Student School in Russia.
Magic Touch Fall 2015Apple Watch application that helps factory workers to perform better. Developed as part of the iPraktikum for Siemens Corporate Technoloy.
Hack the Hotel Spring 2015A smart hotel mobile application for hotel of the future. Developed as part of the iPraktikum for Siemens Corporate Technoloy.
Anigmo Spring 2013An artificial intelligence library for abstract board games. Makes it easy to play against computer opponents.
Como Winter 2012/13Como is a simple tool that automatically collects information about your battery. This information can be accessed online at any time.
Online Courses
Some cool courses I took online, cause that's cool now.
Specialization (5-courses) Spring 2018understand the key computations underlying deep learning, build and train deep neural networks, apply it to computer vision, NLP, art generation, translation, etc.
Investing Summer 2013principles and algorithms hedge funds and investment professionals use to maximize return and reduce risk in equity portfolios
Some small tools and web applications I developed over time. 
Screen Summer 2012simple website screen shots

Anagram Spring 2012an anagram solver that can help you with scrabble

Sudoku Spring 2012a sudoku solver
Logic, Mathematics, Physics and Paradoxes.
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Relo is a simple, lightweight and extensible Search tool and framework for Python. It is distributed as a single script relopy
and a library that can be used in other python apps.
{ cwoebker/relo }
Pen is a simple and lightweight note program that can be used from the command line. It can be used on all systems that offer a command line interface via a single script pen
{ cwoebker/pen }
Just some other random stuff:
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- Crawler/Downloader for the Boston Big Picture Archive